Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Okay everyone. Here is a test for you folks that think that you can determine the differences between the boys from the girls.
Yeah, yeah. This blog is quite disturbing in many qualities. However, it is fun to see how well you do.
Good luck everybody!!!
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I got 13/16.
That means I have about an 81% chance of being assured I'm actually talking to a female at the bar.
That means I have about an 81% chance of being assured I'm actually talking to a female at the bar.
Good job young Justin Padiwan...You are on the right track to becoming a Jedi in the bar scene.
Now you just have to actually make the first move and start a conversation when you get the chance instead of pooping out....especially since it's an 81% chance that it will truly be a female.
Good luck to you in the future...I have much faith in you!!!
Now you just have to actually make the first move and start a conversation when you get the chance instead of pooping out....especially since it's an 81% chance that it will truly be a female.
Good luck to you in the future...I have much faith in you!!!
wow i'm not even sure i want to try that quiz.I looked at it, and well i'm just going to go with that most of them were ummmm not cute? anyway not like i have to worry about whether they would be a woman or actually a man at the bar since I am not attracted to that.
anyway in case you're still wondering buddy... i have frisbee in decorah may 6th and i'm playing this summer so if you and AJ wanna come watch i'd love it! :-) Oh and it was nice to see you for Easter. Hope you were not scared being at the table with the fam. we're a bit weird.
much love.
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anyway in case you're still wondering buddy... i have frisbee in decorah may 6th and i'm playing this summer so if you and AJ wanna come watch i'd love it! :-) Oh and it was nice to see you for Easter. Hope you were not scared being at the table with the fam. we're a bit weird.
much love.
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