Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Why is it that people find the incessant need to stand in doorways? There could be many ponderous reasons to this question.

The list goes on and on.

A good friend once told me that when you arrive to a party, bar or any get together...you should always stop in the doorway when you enter. This small pause in the door frame actually portrays as a picture frame with you as the focus. I like the whole idea of that, just as long as your "pause" doesn't turn into an eternity.

Another theory is for safety. It may be that people feel more secure about many different situations and try to remedy that uneasiness by standing in the doorway. It also gives them an "easy exit" out of uncomfortable or awkward conversations that they may be involved with. This gives them another room to escape into if worse comes to worse.

Personally, I'd like to think that it might be a combination of safety and comfort laced with indecisiveness.

Nonetheless, it always seems to happen when I need to go from one room to another. And it drives me insane when people are offended by having to move aside to let you through. I am pretty sure that I have the "right of way"...Do I not?

i really feel like you should have the right away when trying to pass from one place to another through a door way. these people that stand there are annoying. I personally get annoyed by people who clog the door way or for that matter the area just beyond the doorway. I hate feeling like i'm in the way and I don't like it when other people are too. I think I've always had issues with this because of the tiny entry way and space there is once you walk into our home. That and people are just stupid. There is only one good entry into one of the buildings here at school because of construction and it's sooooo annoying when people stand in the door ways or crowd around the entry! who are these dipshits?! people need to keep moving. So in short, I understand the questions you ask about these people. good stuff.
-aj's little sister :-)
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