Saturday, January 21, 2006

So my buddy Rob, that I haven't seen in a while, and I went to this semi-distinguished wine bar the other night for a drink and some appetizers. After a series of random talks in playing catch up and devouring our food, he told me about his new job that he had been keeping busy with lately.
He and a friend, Aaron, have been remodeling the insides of people's homes for the last month and a half. With long days at hand, the two of them rarely get a chance to leave and/or take lunch breaks. Both have always been really committed to any and all jobs that they ever pursued and also have been known to work non-stop until they see good results or feel they did a good days work.
At the near end of an almost 11 hour day with few breaks, Rob said that he really needed to "go to the bathroom". Aaron asked how badly he really needed to go. Rob said, "You know....BADLY!", with a little hesitation in his voice. "Well", Aaron said, "The number 1 lesson in this business, is to not go number 2 in your client's home."
After a minute or two, Rob accepted the fact that he would have to hold it until he got home. He was okay with this and said to Aaron, "Yeah, I'll just wait til' I get home...It's no big deal." And after a lull in their conversation, Rob proceeded to say,"Sometimes I don't even go to the bathroom for 2 to 4 days." Aaron, being flabbergasted by that remark said, "How can you not allow your body to do what is natural?"
Now, some history on Rob is, He loves to eat out at restaurants a lot and never holds back on meals when ordering. In fact, it seems that he always ends up having a "to go" box when he leaves these establishments and even inherits other leftovers from the people he had been dining with. With that in mind, Rob said, "I just feel like I'm getting my full moneys worth when I keep it in longer.".....(Who thinks or says that?...especially in a nice wine cafe like the one we were at.)
I mean, GROSS!!! I don't know if there are many other people that share that same ideal...but, when you gotta go, you gotta go!...and that's my motto.
But, I guess that's definitely one perspective that I NEVER considered when people go out to eat at favorite restaurants and cafes. Are there actually people out there that truthfully want to savor their food as long as they possibly could? And could you even go as far as to try and market that concept in your menu for the deranged persons that honestly believe that they can enjoy their food even longer after digestion has occurred in the body?...Promising that, "You'll get more 'Bang For Your Buck' with the meals that you'll eat at our establishment...with a small print at the bottom of the ad promising that the meal will be even better after it resides in you for a few days or more." Or, "This food will stick with ya." Or even, "The effect of this meal will not only "move" you...But, will keep you thinking of it's delectable combination of fine foods for days on end."
I still say, "Nasty!!!" Do what your body feels like doing and I think you'll feel better...Sorry Rob.